Update: 2018-2019 AC-U-KWIK Managers’ World Edition
/eBook and Print Books Now Available
AC-U-KWIK is pleased to announce the release of the 2018-2019 Managers’ World Edition.
Print versions are shipping this week to customers from our warehouse in Kansas City and can be ordered from the AC-U-KWIK website.
In addition, the iOS eBook app update released last week, and the 2018-2019 edition is now available. Current subscribers should have received an update notification to download the new edition, or they can check the Apple App Store for updates. If you are not a current subscriber, you can download the eBook app via the App Store or through iTunes.
The Managers’ World Edition eBook app runs on both the iPhone and iPad and operates without Wi-Fi or a network connection once the book has downloaded. The eBook app provides bookmarking and identifier search, and, of course, it takes up a lot less space in your travel bag. The eBook runs on a 12-month subscription for $59.99. That means active subscribers will always have access to the most current edition of the Managers’ World Edition.
In both the print and eBook formats, the Managers’ World Edition includes:
- Airport and services data found in both the North American and international AC-U-KWIK print directories
- FBOs, handlers, charters, caterers, ground transportation and hotel listings
- More than 400 airport diagrams
- Customs information section
- Expanded Clearances section
Where Can I See a Demo?
Booth 1016 at the 2018 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition!