Crew Lounge: The Jet Hiking Gypsy
/Everyone has heard of hitchhiking, but what about Jet Hiking? Rather than using the traditional form of transportation, Amber Nolan, who nicknamed herself the JetHiking Gypsy, started making her way around the country catching rides on small, general aviation single and twin-engine airplanes. Her goal: to visit all 50 states.
The 30-year-old started her adventure back in July, 2012, when she flew from Rochester, New York, to Nashville. Since August, 2013 she has flown more than 15,000 miles, on 75 different flights, and today she only has two only more states to visit, Oklahoma and Hawaii. Currently, Norman is not currently a licensed pilot, but she plans to get her license after her journey is over.
While visiting each state, Norman said she often either stayed with the pilot’s family, hostels, or found a warm bed on, where strangers open their doors to travelers. She also took up small jobs, such as serving, to help pay for her trips.
Now, she is in Wichita, Kan., waiting to hitch a ride to her last remaining states. Any takers?