Barnaul Airport Offers Discounted Rates and Fuel for Tech Stops
/Nowadays the airport of Barnaul (UNBB) is one of the main distribution centers for air passenger and cargo flows in the Altai region, having the opportunity to accept aircraft from almost anywhere in the world as the adjacent regions of Russia and CIS or other countries.
Being one of the major aviation hubs of the West Siberian region, the Barnaul airport is unjustly deprived of attention of foreign operators that plan to make technical stops on the route from Asia to Europe and vice versa. Right now the Novosibirsk Airport competes with Barnaul as the most famous among foreign operators.
Therefore, the airport authorities of Barnaul developed and introduced some provisions lowering the coefficients for the airport and ground handling and this can become one of the fundamental means engaging operators, which perform those tech landings in the region.
This bonus program is applied to the Russian and foreign carriers. For airlines operating technical landing at the airport of Barnaul on passenger or cargo aircraft without changing the commercial load, a 50 percent discount is applicable. For airlines that have not previously landed in Barnaul, a 35 percent discount.
Moreover the airport offers a special price for fuel which can be very attractive for the operators and should be taken into consideration while planning a tech stop.
Technical specifications of the UNBB airport runway:
- Dimensions 2850 meters * 50 meters
- PCN 44/R/B/X/T
- Magnet course 059 / 239
- Runway cover: asphalt-concrete
Streamline OPS will be glad to act as your local partner and offers services for flights to Barnaul airport, including landing permissions, on-site coordination, flight planning, fuel, catering and others.
We welcome your flights at this airport with our assistance as well as at any other of the 100 stations throughout Russia and CIS where we have our set ups. For more information please visit or contact us at: or follow on twitter: @StreamlineOPS.