How It Feels to Be a GA Aircraft Passenger for the First Time
/Editor's note: Our Aviation Week Network colleague Donna Brown, who works in the production department for Aviation Week & Space Technology and ShowNews, took her first flight on a Cessna 172 Skyhawk thanks to a Liberty University School of Aeronautics crew and the aircraft provided by Cessna through its Top Hawk program. Because the business aviation industry and the general aviation community are comfortable in any number of aircraft of all shapes and sizes, we thought Donna's perspective as a first-time passenger is worth sharing. Take it away, Donna ...
Jonny Hewitt (left) and Phil McLanahan (right) of Liberty University School of Aeronautics gave Donna Brown and Linda Conner the chance to fly in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk from Cessna's Top Hawk program.While vacationing in the Rockies recently, I was presented with an unexpected opportunity by Liberty University flight instructor Jonny Hewitt and military aviation student Phil McLanahan to take my first flight in a small aircraft, a Cessna Skyhawk 172. Phil opted to stay on the ground while Jonny took us up.
This was NOT on my bucket list, and I admit I was a bit nervous, but I knew the benefit would outweigh the risk.
I was on sensory overload from the moment of takeoff. I had the feeling of being suspended in slow motion above the most unimaginable view of the Rockies. Truly electrifying, and I loved every moment!
I learned be open to anything and willing to pitch my current plans out the window.