Ross Aviation Offers Free Video Advice For COVID-19 Relief Flights From Asia
/Crews unload critical medical supplies arriving from overseas at Ross Aviation’s Anchorage, Alaska (ANC) facility. From Alaska to the Cayman Islands, Ross Aviation’s FBO network is handling humanitarian and relief flights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these flights are carrying medical supplies and require expedited handling to ensure the much-needed cargo clears regulatory hurdles as it enters the United States, so those supplies can quickly continue on to their final destinations.
The company’s FBO teams at their Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska facilities handle multiple relief flights each day from both private and charter operators – particularly from Asia. They are now using the knowledge they’ve gained regarding travel restrictions, quarantine procedures and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol policy to assist other trip support teams.
To help other operators keep up-to-date on the rules and procedures unique to these operations, Ross has created a free online video hosted by Alaska base operations manager Laura Charon. The video can be found at: and is updated regularly to ensure accuracy.