Breaking Down the 10 Critical Elements of an FBO Airport Lease, Part 3

By John L. Enticknap and Ron R. Jackson, Principals, Aviation Business Strategies Group

In previous blog posts we discussed six of the 10 critical elements of an FBO airport lease as part of our series on the six intangibles that can build equity in your FBO.

For this blog post, we'll break down three additional key airport lease elements and provide insight and tips to help you protect your business while adding intrinsic value to your enterprise.

Improvements, New Buildings and Renovations

FBOs should view this section as a way to spell out and secure future equity in their enterprise. Making lease hold improvements, building new facilities and making timely and needed renovations are critical in negotiating a longer lease term and potentially additional optional years.

In this section, it is critical that you consider the best investment in facilities that gains two things:

  • Longer lease term
  • Return on your investment (ROI)

Having a business plan that details what your goals are will greatly assist you in getting the project financed and approved by your board of directors.

During your evaluation of expansion projects, it is important to keep in mind the goals of the airport authority. Airports like to see investments into the infrastructure of the airport environment, expansion of the business base and job creation. Make sure your project meets these goals and adds to the success of the airport master plan.

Insurance, Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement

Protecting your enterprise from unforeseen perils that can expose you to risk and harm is what this section is all about.

Insurance must meet the requirements of the lease. In many cases the lease insurance amount requirement may be too low, such as $2 million or $5 million in aviation liability coverage, auto liability and workmen’s compensation insurance. You should review these requirements with your insurance broker to make sure you are adequately insured and there are no clauses in the agreement that cannot be met. The airport will want to be a named insured on your policy. This is a standard requirement.

Both the Indemnity and Hold Harmless clauses are very important to the FBO. When there are problems at the airport that involve your business and the airport authority, these clauses may come into play. Unfortunately, in many cases the legal language in both of these paragraphs can be onerous to the FBO. The airport may want to be completely indemnified for any actions on its part and held harmless for any acts, gross negligence or misconduct.  Your legal counsel should review this language to make sure you can live with it. In many cases, since you are operating at a government owned facility, the FBO may have to accept less than ideal language.

Environmental Liability

In running the day-to-day FBO operations, owners and operators are constantly dealing with aviation fuels and other chemicals that can be environmentally hazardous. With this in mind, it is important to understand that if you are operating a tank farm system for fuel storage you are required to provide environmental insurance. If you are operating at an older airport and you are new to the facility or the ground, you may want to consider completing a Phase 1 environmental assessment  prior to use. This inspection could be a requirement of your insurance underwriters. Your legal counsel and insurance brokers should review the inspection and subsequent lease language prior to signing an agreement.

In our next blog, we’ll examine the remaining critical element of your lease, the Airport Minimum Standards section. We consider this one of the main six intangibles and will treat this as a separate subject because it is a very important component with distinct elements.

About the bloggers:

John Enticknap has more than 35 years of aviation fueling and FBO services industry experience. Ron Jackson is co-founder of Aviation Business Strategies Group and president of The Jackson Group, a PR agency specializing in FBO marketing and customer service training. Visit the biography page or for more background.


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Breaking Down the 10 Critical Elements of an FBO Airport Lease, Part 2

By John L. Enticknap and Ron R. Jackson, Principals, Aviation Business Strategies Group

Previously we discussed three of the 10 critical elements of an FBO airport lease as part of our series on the six intangibles that can build equity in your FBO.

For this blog post, we'll break down three more of the airport lease elements and provide insight and tips to help you protect your business while adding intrinsic value to your enterprise.

Payments, Including Rental, Gross Revenue, Flowage Fees and out Years to Include Escalators

By paying attention to the exact wording of this very important element, you can protect yourself from any future disagreements or disputes. Payments may include investments in refurbishment of your terminal building and/or hangars to keep them up to date. Payments may include capital investments for a new hangar or building to exercise lease extensions. These rent payments and additional investments are all financial obligations that contribute to the success or potential failure of your FBO. Please note that each one of these elements is negotiable; therefore, do your homework by getting other comparable FBO leases in your area and region. If you have a competitor at your airport, ask to see its lease. Because it is considered a public record, you can obtain a copy under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Remember, knowledge is the key to negotiating your best rates.

Building/Ramp Maintenance Responsibilities

Be sure to be very specific with the language for this element. Any ambiguity can lead to finger pointing, and the FBO can end up on the short end. If you are leasing buildings owned by the airport, most leases provide for the lessee (FBO) to pay for building upkeep, utilities and taxes. If you operate in the snow belt, it is incumbent on the FBO to understand whose responsibility it is for snow plowing ramps, approach taxiways or other areas.

Be very clear on taxes. In many cases you don’t have to pay property taxes on buildings owned by a city or municipality. In some states you may have to pay school taxes or other fees. Therefore, be clear on defining responsibilities.

Termination by the FBO or Lessor

In this section, it is wise to spell out unequivocally how the lease can be terminated by either party in cases of dispute, natural disaster, fires or other unforeseen events. What is most important is that the parties to the agreement have sufficient time to correct and negotiate any disputes or other occurrences. The “cure” clause should be at least 30 to 60 days to fix problems. This length of time is generally not used if the issues are late payment of rents or fees.

When there are issues, prompt resolution is the best way to solve problems. As Colin Powell once said “Bad news isn’t like wine. It never gets better with age.”

In our next blog, we’ll examine the final three critical elements of your lease with additional tips that can help you build equity in your FBO.

About the bloggers:

John Enticknap has more than 35 years of aviation fueling and FBO services industry experience. Ron Jackson is co-founder of Aviation Business Strategies Group and president of The Jackson Group, a PR agency specializing in FBO marketing and customer service training. Visit the biography page or for more background.


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